With this year rounding up, of course the votings for Best of Twitter '09 has begun and has run tight with a lot of people from all over the twatterverse voting up a storm for twatters ~ celebs AND non-celebs ~ that they deem worthy of said title.
Up in the running is also the lovely cast of Beloved Show!
People like our Young!Sammy and OurChuck are among the cast that have twitter accs and have been voted by SPNfreaks from all over.
But of course, our Almighty MasterMishMish is the one who reigns supreme tagging the #1 spot on the list of votees ~ YEAH #MISHAMADNESS! ~ for days now.
He's almost got 50,000 votes! Bobby and the Psychic are tailing in behind, both already in the top 20.

This was all good news until a number of other NON-SPN votees have been rapidly gaining numbers these past last days. Now I'm not going to name any of these votees in particular *cough*disneykid*cough* but its certainly bad, especially with the voting deadline just up ahead.
I bring you this info to spread word so that all us SPNfreaks can help and pitch in with all the votes that we can manage until the deadline comes.
I mean, this isn't a life and death sitch or anything, but who cares? Its fun and it has something to do with Supernatural.
So what are you waiting for?
Vote for Misha, vote for Jim, Traci, Chad, Aldis, VOTE FOR ALL. JUST VOTE!
Sammy is gonna keep an eye on those NONSPNFREAKS
you CAN vote even though you do NOT have a twatter;
you can vote for more than 1 person everytime you come on to the site ;
you can vote again every 20 minutes!
you can also help spread word by RT-ing spnmustpie's tweet about this post, or just twat your own lines of motivation with the link to the voting place that is accompanied by a #Supernatural, #SPN, or #MISHAMADNESS.
lets show those NONSPN-luvers our Fandom does it best,
Super and Natural **MissTee