I don't know if the episode director was genius or if it's my crazy infatuation with MishMish, but he looked incredibly cute in his patient attire and his bruised up face. I want to make screencaps of this scene and just picspam the blog with it.
Carrying on, this scene makes me unhappy on just one level : Cas has become. . . human. He's not an Angel anymore. Or he still is but he doesn't have any Angel powers. Is an Angel with no Angel mojo still an Angel? I don't know. But that made me sad because it reminded me of future!Cas and how broken he is, supposedly, in the future :-s Oh and it was totally appropriate that Cas would apologize to Dean for thinking he was just a "burnt and broken shell of a man" the last time he saw him.
Cas, if you're gonna become human we need to work on your communication skills, luvs.
Now, let's talk about Leah Gibson.
You know, the pretty demon!Nurse who told Sneezy ~ the name has stuck to me thanks to Crowley. Like Sammy and that Moose comment lol ~ that the boys had arrived so they should blow smoke before the boys can kill him like they did to his bros. The one who kept twatting about her amazing time on set. Yeah. I thought her role would be more profound. . . .not. But her character's dialogue with Sneezy made me realize something we probably have been looking over : Sam and Dean have actually succeeded in taking down two Horsemen, which is pretty badass considering the Horsemen's stature. Never thought of it that way, I guess because this whole thing was just their way of life it didn't sink into me that they had a bad rep and were probably feared by demons and others because of this.
Anyhoot, more importantly, we got to see Sneezy in all his cool Horseman-ness without him being all nasty and gross. I liked the way Matt Frewer played Pestilence! Kind of doctor-like bravado. Great casting for the Horsemen, all of them :)
Was totes caught off guard when Cas showed up ~ after taking a bus lolsss ~ and even MORE surprised when in the midst of my Angel baby coughing up blood he took the knife and CUT THAT BTCH! Whoaa, Cas. Still amazing even without your powers. ILU.

"Did you kiss him?"
Better believe it. Bobby/Crowley fics, I can hear them a' buzzin'. Seriously, Kripke, do you think all this slash shiz you been putting out for us is going to make up for whatever sadistic plan we know you have in store for the season finale?
Those. . . . .are distractions for now.
But when things go down the way I don't want them to in the last episode I will hunt you down like that softener teddy bear Dean hates.
I can't wait when some fan shamelessly asks Jim or Mark what it was like to do that kiss ;) I do think Jim did an amazing job with the scene where Bobby finds out he can walk again. Did you see his face?? Bobby looked so freakin' happy I got all happy :,) It was nice to see him be ecstatic like that since forever. That scene made me grin and "d'aaw" all through.
My name is Death and the end is. . .here. .
Love that scene. Love, love, love it. Because to be honest, I was dissapointed when I first saw pics of Death. He wasn't a she like I was hoping for ~ how awesome and appropriate would it have been if Death was a woman? ~ and he looked. . .well, like a regular skinny creepy rich dude. But when he brushes his shoulder off and that man goes down. . .oh you know Death is teh Boss.
And I've grown fond of the background song, which is O' Death by Jen Titus if you didn't know. Suits the state of Beloved Show's storyline amazingly well right now.
When Death had his chat with Dean was when I was really really sure that Death was teh Boss. Hey Julian Richings? You make for a great Death. BRA to the VO. I liked how the writers made Death this senior character, who thought he was older and more superior than anyone else. Well he is. Nobody can escape death, right? All living creatures, maybe in this galaxy or any other ones out there, will all eventually die. So it was right for Death to be 'above' everyone else. I didn't think he was on Luci's leash, though. I just thought the Horsemen were under Luci's command by nature. I can see how being Luci's tantrum toy would annoy the hell out of him.
The way he was interacting with Dean made me sit on the edge of my seat. So non-chalant and didn't give a rat's ass about Dean ~ or anyone and anything for that matter~ who was just a mere speck of dirt to his superior-self. I give props to Jensen's acting here. When I watched this scene my face was kind of like Dean's the whole time : a mix of surprise and fear with a hint of intimidation. Death was so fudging intimidating, and Jensen put that clear across Dean's expressions and actions. Well done, J! :)
Over all, I loved this episode. Probably because of Sneezy and Grumpy Death. I love all the Horsemen! Except for Famine. That dude is king of the creepy. This ep was great and it had some bits of unexpected twists here and there. LOVE :)
The thing that has me worried though : Sammy's idjiotic plan on jumping into the fire as Luci. How is he even going to get Luci out of his meat when he does that? It's not like there's an on and off switch for that shiz. Sammy is good, we all know he is, even with the darkness in him like Bobby said. He's still Sammy. The same we-gotta-do-the-right-thing Sammy. The same Sammy that feels guilty surfing pr0n! ;D But really, I still have my doubts. With Cas being more like his future!Cas self we got to see in "The End", I'm just afraid everything is set in stone. That we'll end up seeing Samifer again, just like in that same episode. I'm afraid the boys won't be able to change anything and huge fudging shiz of a mess will be going down.
And a personal casualty will go down with it.
I know Cas, I know. tired of Kripke's shiz toos
Here's the DL link :
i iz speechless for next week,
Super and Natural **MissTee