Adam Croasdell, the guy who will be the new guest star on the upcoming Supernatural episode "Hammer of The Gods" ~ i miss the old title :( ~, gives DigitalSpy a tease about that 5.19 episode that he will be coming on!
He talks about his crazy fangirl friend, the boys, and his character on Beloved Show!

Adam : "I hadn't watched it but one of my very good friends is a huge fan and it was just hilarious when I told her I was on it! She was doing backflips ~ lmao luv that his friend is a crazy fangirl of the show woot! ~ and couldn't believe that it was my first job in the States! I've certainly watched episodes, and it's well-written, very humorous and has great characters, so I'm very happy to be a part of it."
DS : What can you tell us about your character?
Adam : "I play Baldur, the Norse God Of Light. I'm not sure how much I can tell you, but I will say that I had a lot of fun doing his scenes with Sam and Dean!"
DS : How much have you filmed?
Adam : "I've pretty much finished all of my filming. I was shooting in Vancouver over the Olympics, which was the best time to be there! The Canadians were fantastic and so festive, so it was a perfect first job out here. I'm just in one episode - episode 19 - but that's hopefully the start of my work out here and there is more to follow."
DS : Why does Baldur enter the Supernatural universe?
Adam : "This is Supernatural, so of course there's a reason why he appears, but if I said any more it would blow his entire story! He's fairly important, but aren't all Gods important?! Is he important in the overall apocalypse storyline? Well, that remains to be seen! I have a little bit of a fight with one of the other actors ~ omg who could it be? :-o ~ , which I quite liked because it's a bit of a release from all the dialogue. In EastEnders, old Dr Al was such a nice guy, so it's nice to break from that in Supernatural. It felt good!"
DS : So, is your Norse God not a nice guy then?!
Adam : "Well you know, all Gods have huge egos don't they?! He's got a bit of both going on. I'm sorry I can't say any more!"
DS : How was it filming with Jensen and Jared?
Adam : "They are really great guys, a lot of fun and very professional. They are both very funny in real life. It was quite funny because Jared was in the throes of getting ready to go to his bachelor party in Vegas and then get married, while Jensen – I'm sorry to say ladies – is shortly following suit. The Supernatural boys seem like they are taken now! ~ yeah, we're sorry too Adam lol ;) ~ "
DS : They have reputations as being practical jokers – were you on the receiving end of any pranks?!
Adam : "No, not on the end of them but they did have us in stitches on more than one occasion! They sort of riff off each other, it's quite interesting. They seem to be a perfect pairing ~ yes, luv them! :D~ in terms of casting, and seem to do a lot together, even getting married at around the same time! It's an interesting scenario, but I guess that tends to happen if you like the person you're working with and you've been working with them for about five years basically daily and for long hours. Thank God they are friends because life would be awful for them!"
DS : How was it fitting in with such a tight-knit cast then?
Adam : "I think it’s important to fall in with your co-workers as quickly as possible because you're often called on to do some pretty strange and weird things, so you want to get comfortable with the people you're working with immediately. Initially it does feel a little bit forced, but very soon it's really helpful for the scene. You don't want to spend days with people you don't want to be hanging about with. Thankfully that was very easy on this job!"
DS : So now you're over in the States, have we lost you for good?
Adam : "I'd never say that. The quality of work in the UK is fantastic, it really is. But I think for me, it's about just being where the good work is, and it's a bit slow in the UK at the moment, as we all know, with the recession. It's slower here, but there are more opportunities. I'd absolutely come back and work in the UK in an instant if the right project came up."
DS : Finally, is there any possibility of Baldur returning?
Adam : "There's always a chance! I think that's the thing about Supernatural - because it's about the 'supernatural', people keep coming back from the dead and terrible injuries ~ does this mean Baldur will get hurt/vanish-whatever a God does when it dies? ~ , so you never know. I hope so because it's fun and it's a great show to be part of."
Aaw, he seems so genuinely nice and enthusiastic about working on Supernatural.
And he's really goodlooking.
I like him! ;D
I am really stoked about this ep. There will be other Gods as well, and I heard that our favorite pranker ~ The Gabester/Trickster ~ aka Richard Speight Jr was in Vancouver when it was the Olympics too so it's possible we could be getting Gabe in this ep.
this interview is such a tease I cannot even,
Super and Natural **MissTee