The red-haired fallen angel of Beloved Show we all know as Anna, who's played by
the sweet Julie Mcniven, does an interview with Supernatural Russia .
From angel radio to actual being with wings, Julie talks about playing Anna, herself and her experience being in the show!

Supernatural Russia (SR) : Could you tell us something about yourself so the Russian fans of Supernatural could get to know you better? Why did you choose to be an actress? Maybe you are from actor's family?
Julie : I come from a family of teachers. Although, my parents were involved in community theatre and choirs, so I was exposed to performing at an early age. I started doing local, and school theatre and my family was and is still very supported of passion.
SR : How did you first hear about Supernatural and end up auditioning for this show? Was it the only part that you auditioned for on Supernatural? If so, why did you choose to audition for this specific role?
Julie : My agent got me the audition for Supernatural. I had never auditioned for the show before but I was quite familiar with it.
SR : What do you like about this character?
Julie : I love that so much happens to her in such a short amount of time. Her character arch is great and changes so much throughout.

Supernatural Russia (SR) : Could you tell us something about yourself so the Russian fans of Supernatural could get to know you better? Why did you choose to be an actress? Maybe you are from actor's family?
Julie : I come from a family of teachers. Although, my parents were involved in community theatre and choirs, so I was exposed to performing at an early age. I started doing local, and school theatre and my family was and is still very supported of passion.
SR : How did you first hear about Supernatural and end up auditioning for this show? Was it the only part that you auditioned for on Supernatural? If so, why did you choose to audition for this specific role?
Julie : My agent got me the audition for Supernatural. I had never auditioned for the show before but I was quite familiar with it.
SR : What do you like about this character?
Julie : I love that so much happens to her in such a short amount of time. Her character arch is great and changes so much throughout.
SR : If you could play another character on the show, who would it be and why? Maybe a demon?
Julie : A demon would be fun, but I'd have to say "Young Mary"...cause she kicks ass. ~ lol i luv that she chooses Young!Mary, who kicked HER ass in an ep! ~
SR : Why does Anna prefer Dean to Sam? Do you think it is because she sees a kindred soul in Dean, him being similar to an Angel from her point of view?
Julie : I don't think it's about who she prefers and more
about who she instinctually connects with. The initial connection may have begun even before they could have strung from the Angel voices she was hearing....but then again, once she realized she was an angel, she wasn't so crazy about them...
SR : Do you like the way your character evolved? Have you imagined or have you been told that Anna would be so involved in the mythology of the show when you got the part? While the official announcement has not yet been made, we almost sure that Supernatural got its 6th season. Do you know yet if you will appear again later during this (possibly final) season 6?
Julie : I love the way Anna constantly evolved. I was only supposed to be in two episodes, so I am thrilled that the writers sent her on a bigger adventure. I have no idea if Anna will be back or not for season six...only time will tell :)
SR : What is your best memory from shooting Supernatural? What was your favorite scene to shoot? And the worse, if there was one?
Julie : I loved shooting the fight sequence in episode 5.13! Amy and I had such a blast! I don't have a worst... I am so grateful to be working at all... even when it's freezing, it's still fun! ~ aaw so sweet :) ~
SR : Have you been a victim of Jared and Jensen's pranks on set? If so, how did they get you and what about payback? Any funny stories that happened with you on the set, maybe funny bloopers?
Julie : No, no pranks were pulled on me. There lots of laughter though...the boys (including Misha) always keep the set very lively! ~ ughh to be on that seett ~
SR: Could you share with us your impressions about Jensen and Jared? Jensen once said in an interview that he's better in comedies. It seems Jared thinks otherwise about himself. If you had an opportunity to work in one project with Jared or Jensen, who do you prefer for a comedy? And for a drama?
Julie : I would work with either of them on anything! They are both very talented. ~ she gets another 'aaw' from me. so sweet! ~
SR : Are there any other people on the team of Supernatural, who are special to you and whose work you value, even if the fans of the show might be unaware of thei
r contribution? If yes, please tell us about them, we'd love to know more about the behind-the-scenes. From various interviews, we know that you're on friendly terms with Genevieve Cortese. Does your friendship help you at work?
Julie : The ladies in the hair/makeup trailer are wonderful! I'm always happy to see them, even at 6 in the morning. Genevieve is wonderful! I absolutely adore her.
SR : Do you watch Supernatural? Maybe as a fan or just for to notice your own mistakes?
Julie : I watch when I can and enjoy it.
SR : Have you been doing your own stunts for Supernatural or at some other point in your acting career?
Julie : LOVE doing the stunts... I did work with a fantastic stunt double who always made sure I felt safe and gave me tips.
SR : And what about "Mad Men" set, other sets you appeared? What good or bad memories do you keep from these experiences? Is there the same friendly atmosphere as on Supernatural set?
Julie : Every set is different. I love working on "Mad Men" as well...its always more comforting to work on sets for recurring rather than one episode cause by the time you get used to the groove of the set, your job is done.
SR : We know that sometimes you participate in fan conventions. Do you consider this work or a welcome break from it? Do you remember any funny questions you have been asked on the conventions?
Julie : Yes, I enjoy doing the conventions. The fans are such an important part of this show! They are quite a force! ~ yayz SPN fandom recz bbs! ~
SR : Please tell us about your previous work projects and about your future plans.
Julie : Right now I'm back to auditioning... I don't have anything on the table yet, but soon I will.
SR : Which points of your career are the most significant to you as an actor? Which movie roles are the most special to you as a person?
Julie : Well I'd say the most significant has been playing Hildy on "Mad Men." It has helped me tremendously! But I'd have to say that I've learned the most from Anna.
SR : Any particular role that would you like to play?
Julie : I want to play as many characters as possible from other time periods! That fascinates me.
SR : If you hadn't got into acting, what would you do for a living?
Julie : I never had a back up plan...but probably something with kids.
SR : What else do you like to do except acting? Do you have any hobbies?
Julie : I love yoga and sewing projects and relaxing with friends
SR : What are your favorite books, movies, directors, bands or musicians?
Julie : Well, I am a Libra,... I don't have favorites! I can't choose! I enjoy a huge variety of music... My fiance is the music man in the house and always has something new on his iPod. I wish I was a bigger reader and I'm thinking of joining a bookclub to help me with that :)
SR : Is there a question that no one ever asks you but you would love to answer?
Julie : I love Coconuts! ~ LMAO! ~
SR : Are you familiar with the Russian cinema? Have you seen any Russian movies? If yes, do you like any Russian actors or directors?
Julie : I am not familiar with Russian cinema...please tell me a couple important Russian movies to watch and I'll add them to my netflix!
SR : What would you like to tell the visitors of our website and other Supernatural fans in Russia? We greatly appreciate your work and we'd be happy to welcome you to Russia one day.
Julie : Thank you so much for your passion for the show! It wouldn't be the same without you. I would love to visit Russia...maybe they'll be a con there and I'll see you soon :)
Julie : A demon would be fun, but I'd have to say "Young Mary"...cause she kicks ass. ~ lol i luv that she chooses Young!Mary, who kicked HER ass in an ep! ~
SR : Why does Anna prefer Dean to Sam? Do you think it is because she sees a kindred soul in Dean, him being similar to an Angel from her point of view?
Julie : I don't think it's about who she prefers and more

SR : Do you like the way your character evolved? Have you imagined or have you been told that Anna would be so involved in the mythology of the show when you got the part? While the official announcement has not yet been made, we almost sure that Supernatural got its 6th season. Do you know yet if you will appear again later during this (possibly final) season 6?
Julie : I love the way Anna constantly evolved. I was only supposed to be in two episodes, so I am thrilled that the writers sent her on a bigger adventure. I have no idea if Anna will be back or not for season six...only time will tell :)
SR : What is your best memory from shooting Supernatural? What was your favorite scene to shoot? And the worse, if there was one?
Julie : I loved shooting the fight sequence in episode 5.13! Amy and I had such a blast! I don't have a worst... I am so grateful to be working at all... even when it's freezing, it's still fun! ~ aaw so sweet :) ~
SR : Have you been a victim of Jared and Jensen's pranks on set? If so, how did they get you and what about payback? Any funny stories that happened with you on the set, maybe funny bloopers?
Julie : No, no pranks were pulled on me. There lots of laughter though...the boys (including Misha) always keep the set very lively! ~ ughh to be on that seett ~
SR: Could you share with us your impressions about Jensen and Jared? Jensen once said in an interview that he's better in comedies. It seems Jared thinks otherwise about himself. If you had an opportunity to work in one project with Jared or Jensen, who do you prefer for a comedy? And for a drama?
Julie : I would work with either of them on anything! They are both very talented. ~ she gets another 'aaw' from me. so sweet! ~
SR : Are there any other people on the team of Supernatural, who are special to you and whose work you value, even if the fans of the show might be unaware of thei

Julie : The ladies in the hair/makeup trailer are wonderful! I'm always happy to see them, even at 6 in the morning. Genevieve is wonderful! I absolutely adore her.
SR : Do you watch Supernatural? Maybe as a fan or just for to notice your own mistakes?
Julie : I watch when I can and enjoy it.
SR : Have you been doing your own stunts for Supernatural or at some other point in your acting career?
Julie : LOVE doing the stunts... I did work with a fantastic stunt double who always made sure I felt safe and gave me tips.
SR : And what about "Mad Men" set, other sets you appeared? What good or bad memories do you keep from these experiences? Is there the same friendly atmosphere as on Supernatural set?
Julie : Every set is different. I love working on "Mad Men" as well...its always more comforting to work on sets for recurring rather than one episode cause by the time you get used to the groove of the set, your job is done.
SR : We know that sometimes you participate in fan conventions. Do you consider this work or a welcome break from it? Do you remember any funny questions you have been asked on the conventions?
Julie : Yes, I enjoy doing the conventions. The fans are such an important part of this show! They are quite a force! ~ yayz SPN fandom recz bbs! ~
SR : Please tell us about your previous work projects and about your future plans.
Julie : Right now I'm back to auditioning... I don't have anything on the table yet, but soon I will.
SR : Which points of your career are the most significant to you as an actor? Which movie roles are the most special to you as a person?
Julie : Well I'd say the most significant has been playing Hildy on "Mad Men." It has helped me tremendously! But I'd have to say that I've learned the most from Anna.
SR : Any particular role that would you like to play?
Julie : I want to play as many characters as possible from other time periods! That fascinates me.
SR : If you hadn't got into acting, what would you do for a living?
Julie : I never had a back up plan...but probably something with kids.
SR : What else do you like to do except acting? Do you have any hobbies?
Julie : I love yoga and sewing projects and relaxing with friends
SR : What are your favorite books, movies, directors, bands or musicians?
Julie : Well, I am a Libra,... I don't have favorites! I can't choose! I enjoy a huge variety of music... My fiance is the music man in the house and always has something new on his iPod. I wish I was a bigger reader and I'm thinking of joining a bookclub to help me with that :)
SR : Is there a question that no one ever asks you but you would love to answer?
Julie : I love Coconuts! ~ LMAO! ~
SR : Are you familiar with the Russian cinema? Have you seen any Russian movies? If yes, do you like any Russian actors or directors?
Julie : I am not familiar with Russian cinema...please tell me a couple important Russian movies to watch and I'll add them to my netflix!
SR : What would you like to tell the visitors of our website and other Supernatural fans in Russia? We greatly appreciate your work and we'd be happy to welcome you to Russia one day.
Julie : Thank you so much for your passion for the show! It wouldn't be the same without you. I would love to visit Russia...maybe they'll be a con there and I'll see you soon :)
My feelings towards Anna : undecided. I kinda hate her for trying to kill Sam by trying to kill Young John and Mary, but that's just because she was sent to Angel bible camp.
My feelings towards Julie : adorbs! I've heard nothing but good stories about her from other fans. This interview just proves it all :)
Anna is meh but heart Julie,
Super and Natural **MissTee