People like our Young!Sammy and OurChuck are among the cast that have twitter accs and have been voted by SPNfreaks from all over.

Vote for Misha, vote for Jim, Traci, Chad, Aldis, VOTE FOR ALL. JUST VOTE!
Jensen and Jared luv to foot-coordinate
Japanese speaking Winchesters and Cas rock my socks <33
Video courtesy JensenFanChile
Info from my lovely ontd_spn community
Its pretty hefty but very interesting stuff we get from the interview. Here we goooooooooo.......
Supernatural Russia (SR) : Could you tell us something about yourself so the Russian fans of Supernatural could get to know you better?
Speight : I was born and raised in Nashville, Tennessee. I like cheese, I don't play videogames, and I suck at basketball ~ sounds like my kinda guy, except for the sucks at basketball. u gotta do sports bb lol ~
SR : How would you describe yourself?
Speight : Tough one. I guess I'd describe myself as a fairly nice guy. Average height, brown-ish hair. Shoe size: 8½.
SR : Why did you choose to be an actor? Maybe you are from actors family?
Speight : No, I'm not from an acting family. I'm the only one who decided to follow this nutty path. When I was a kid, I used to have to go with my mom to my older sisters' dance classes. Eventually, I decided it would be more fun to join in than to
just sit there. So that's how I got into performing - as a tap dancer ~ okay now I have the image of the Gabester tapdancing ~ That got me on stage, but I quickly gave up the dancing in pursuit of acting. I took classes and did plays back in Nashville and immediately fell in love with it. By fifteen, I knew this is what I wanted to do for a living.
SR : How did you first hear about Supernatural? How did you end up auditioning for this show?
Speight : The first time I ever heard of the show is when I was offered the part.
SR :Speaking about your work in Supernatural, what was your most indelible impression?
Speight : I really enjoy the people on that crew. There is a lot of down time for actors on TV sets. There, I am never bored. Everyone is so friendly. For example, Adrian, one of the assistant directors, always loans me a stack of DVD's so I always have
something to watch in my trailer. That guy barely knows me! That's how nice everyone is. Plus, I absolutely love Vancouver. It is a beautiful city with so many interesting parks, hikes, waterways, shops, and attractions. I love love love working up there.
SR : We wonder if you have known from the very beginning that your character Trickster is really an archangel Gabriel and it was going to be revealed in the next seasons or this idea occurred to the writers later when they decided to keep your character around for longer. Do you like this change in the story?
Speight : I have no idea if the writers knew that the Trickster was Gabriel or not, but I assume they did. It seems too well thought out to be an accident. And if they knew, they didn't tell me. I love the change in the story. I love that my character plays into the overall mythology and story of the show and isn't just a funny break from the main story.
SR : Now, when it revealed Trickster isn't pagan God, in truth he's archangel Gabriel, will you going to perform your character in a different way?
Speight : It will affect my choices, sure. But it really depends on what the writers give me to do in the future (if anything).
SR : Do you know yet if you will appear again later during this (possibly final) season?
Speight : I have no idea.
SR : If Supernatural continued with some sort of spin-off next year and you were invited to join the cast as a regular, would you agree?
Speight : Absolutely. The Trickster/Gabriel is probably the most fun character I've ever had the pleasure to play. I could be this guy for years and years.
SR : Could you share with us any funny stories that happened with you on the set, maybe funny bloopers in episode 2.15 "Trickster", season 2 or in season 5? There were a lot of tense moments in episode 5.08 "Changing Channels".
Speight : During "Changing Channels" when we were shooting the scene in the warehouse when I get trapped in the ring of fire, Misha spilled a bowl of tomato soup all over his costume during lunch. He had to change into an entirely new outfit while the wardrobe department washed everything for him. Then, when they brought his clean clothes back, they accidentally gave me his underwear ~ LOL THE BANANA HAMMOCKS STORY!! ~ Fortunately, I had the good sense not to put it on. Instead, I stuck it on the wall of the production trailer.
SR : Having worked for this show, you've got to know main leads Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki. From various interviews, we know that Jared and Jensen like to play pranks on set. Have you been one of their victims? What about payback, have you ever pranked them or other people on set? Could you share with us your impressions about working with Jensen and Jared?
Speight : I get this question a lot. Sadly, I've never been pranked by them. Consequently, I've never had any reason to prank them. Oh well. Maybe someday.
Those guys are both great to work with. From my first day on that show, they have been warm and welcoming. I appreciated that a lot. They're hardworking, focused, friendly, and talented. And they're not afraid to have a beer or two after work. They are both just regular guys who happen to be super handsome and deceptively tall TV stars ~ LOL super handsome, their pretty faces are truly undeniable ~
SR : Would you like to play any other character, to exchange roles with another actor in Supernatural? Maybe to play a demon?
Speight : Actually, no. I think I have the coolest role on the show. I get to be funny, serious, light, intense, angry, friendly. I love food and can make hot chicks appear out of thin air - and I'm an arch angel with some bad-ass powers. What more could a guy want?
SR : Have you been doing your own stunts for Supernatural or at some other point in your acting career?
Speight : I haven't really had any stunts to do on "Supernatural." In "Band of Brothers" we all fought our own battles and did our own work. But if anything is ever potentially dangerous, I let the professionals handle it. Those cats know what they're doing.
SR : Do you like meeting with the fans? We know that sometimes you participate in fan conventions. Do you consider this work or a welcome break from it?
Speight : I love going to conventions. If I didn't, I wouldn't go. The fans are great. They are all so excited to be there and are just looking to have a good time. I always get caught up in the madness and have a great time myself. I am continually honored to be invited and intend to go every time my schedule allows.
SR : Do you remember any funny questions you have been asked on the conventions?
Speight : Not really. I don't recall any of the questions being very funny. They are usually serious questions about my character and my work / experience on the show.
SR : Please tell us about your previous work projects and about your future plans.
Speight : Some of my favorite jobs (aside from "Supernatural" of course) are the HBO WWII mini-series "Band of Brothers", the feature films "North Beach" and "Open Water 2" (which was released in Europe as "Adrift"), and the TV series "Jericho." As for future work, I just finished a small role in a film called "Crave" and will be appearing in an upcoming TV series called "Look."
SR : Which points of your career are the most significant to you as an actor? Which movie roles are the most special to you as a person?
Speight : The answer to both those questions is easy: "Band of Brothers." No other job has affected me personally or professionally as much as that show has. The experience of living in London, of working with Tom Hanks, of befriending those actors, and of getting to know the real veterans of the war is one that will never be topped for me.
SR : Any particular role that would you like to play?
Speight : I want to do a Western where I get to do some fancy horse riding and gun-slinging.
SR : What else do you like to do except acting? Do you have any hobbies?
Speight : I love the beach. My family and I go to the beach every week during the warm months - and in LA, there are a lot of warm months. Other than that, I enjoy playing guitar and hanging with friends, preferably while drinking good wine.
SR : What are your favorite books, movies, directors, bands or musicians?
Speight : I just read "Bright, Shiny Morning" by James Frey and loved it. I have also enjoyed several Neil Gaiman books this year.
My favorite directors currently making films are Wes Anderson, Jason Reitman, and Steven Soderbergh.
I love all kinds of music. Right now in my disc player (that's right, I still listen to cd's) are Shannon Lawson's rocking bluegrass album "The Acoustic Livingroom Session", Robert Plant & Alison Kraus' album, The Foo Fighters' greatest hits, R.E.M.'s album "Accelerate", and the album "Ruby Vroom" by Soul Coughing.
SR : Are you familiar with the Russian cinema? Have you seen any Russian movies? If yes, do you like any Russian actors or directors?
Speight : I am embarrassed to say that I haven't familiar with the Russian cinema. Tell me what to watch and I'll watch it.
SR : Is there a question that no one ever asks you but you would love to answer?
Speight : No one ever asks me what it's like to kiss Jennifer Aniston. I guess that's because I never have.
SR : What would you like to tell the visitors of our website and other Supernatural fans in Russia? We greatly appreciate your work and we'd be happy to welcome you to Russia one day.
Speight : If you love the Trickster, then I love you! Thanks so much for watching and enjoying the show. Without fan support, great shows go away. It means a lot to everyone involved to have you all watching and discussing the show online.
I sincerely hope I get the opportunity to visit your country someday. If there is ever a convention there and I get invited, I'm coming! Thanks for reading this interview. Take care.
Aaaw, that means the Gabester wuvs usss :)
birthday cheers with a touch of supernatural,
Super and Natural **MissTee
as overwhelmed with these spoils as ever,
Super and Natural **MissTee
Super and Natural **MissTee
This is what he says about Beloved Show :
SUPERNATURAL (CW) It’s a tough call among this CW veteran, “Lost” and “True Blood” for the paranormal-drama slot, but “Supernatural” is currently among the wildest and most entertaining series in prime time. (It helps that Jensen Ackles and, to a lesser extent, Jared Padalecki have improved as actors over the show’s five seasons.) While the demon-hunting Winchester boys try to stop Lucifer, stave off the apocalypse and track down God (none of the angels know where he’s hiding), the writers out-meta “30 Rock,” sending the brothers to a “Supernatural” fan weekend and cleverly working into the show the Internet chatter about the duo’s unusual closeness.