Digital Spy sits down and gets to have a talk with The Enlightened One who plays our lovely rebel of an Angel, Castiel, about the show and his take on whats about to come in Season 5! He reveals he knows nothing about the next epis but still remains awesome while being so clueless :

May contain bits of Supernatural spoils bbs, so
DigitalSpy (DS) : The show's just gone on hiatus with a very emotional episode. We heard rumours that somebody was going to die - were you ever worried it would be you?
MishMish : "No I wasn't because I've signed on for the year and if they killed me in the middle of the year it would be wasting a lot of money because they would still have to pay me! ~ LOL they keep you on the show cus your awesome not cus they're pratical ~ I think purely economic factors weighed in and assuaded my fears!"
MishMish : "No I wasn't because I've signed on for the year and if they killed me in the middle of the year it would be wasting a lot of money because they would still have to pay me! ~ LOL they keep you on the show cus your awesome not cus they're pratical ~ I think purely economic factors weighed in and assuaded my fears!"
DS : How do the deaths affect the group?
MishMish : "Castiel didn't have a terribly close relationship with the people who died so he probably takes it in his stride a lot more than Sam and Dean. But I think for everybody it hits close to home that we are losing members of our inner circle and that's quite sobering."
DS : We have the 100th episode coming up next year - any ideas what will happen?
MishMish : "I have no idea! They send out a synopsis of the scripts that are coming up about three weeks in advance so that's about as far reaching as my horizon goes. I don't know how the season ends or what happens two months from now. All I know is that Warner Brothers is supposed to splurge for a big party so I'm expecting some good drinks!"
DS : There have been rumours that Jensen could be directing the episode...
MishMish : "I've heard that and I think it's a lie. I think that rumour has been officially stamped out, ~ this has been officially confirmed but I don't recall the source. sorry peeps ~ but I may be wrong. I can't imagine he would because a director has to do pre-production, which is a full-time job for a week, and then post-production which takes part of another week. He could direct an episode that he was in, set the cameras up and go stand on the other side, but for him not to be in the previous week or the following week is tough because he's pretty much in everything! I think that's the limiting factor that keeps him from directing." ~ and although Jensen is NOT going to be directing, the epi is said to be largely centered on Dean and his relationship with Archangel Mike ~
DS : Would you like to try your hand at directing an episode?
MishMish : "I would love to at some point but I definitely don't think it's in the horizon for this season."
DS : One thing fans are desperate to know is whether God will ever appear - what are your thoughts?
MishMish : "I don't know but I have heard rumours that God will appear. I have no idea what form God would take, whether they would just do a booming voice or whether they would do something else. They could cast any number of odd characters for the role of God. I'm lobbying for Miley Cyrus!"
DS : Well you got Paris Hilton this season so it's not impossible...
MishMish : "Yes, that's right! Paris Hilton could be recurring as God! That would be great!"
DS : So you don't know what's coming up later in the season, but what can you tell us about your three-week horizon?
MishMish : "Right now we're working on an episode where we go back to 1978 and meet a young Mary and young John - the parents of Sam and Dean ~ the Back to the Future II episode!! ~ It's a pretty intense mythology episode where basically someone is travelling back in time to try to kill them and prevent Sam and Dean from being born, thereby heading off the apocalypse. We go back in time to try to save the parents so Sam and Dean live."
DS : What's the situation about a possible sixth season as you know it?
MishMish : "I think 'knowing' is a strong word in respect to season six! I don't know anything but the rumours I hear are that it probably is going to happen. I know that Jensen and Jared's contracts are for six years so they are contractually available for another year. From what I have heard on the grapevine it sounds like Eric [Kripke] will probably be around for another year but I'm not sure about that." ~ yep, J2 said they were game if there ever was going to be one. YAY :) ~
Cas is as clueless as MishMish
Ugh, I love MishMish interviews, don't you? :)
really hoping God does not turn out to be Miley Cyrus,
Super and Natural **MissTee