Supernatural episode 5.19 name title is :
Fudging love it! Don't know what it's exactly refering to, but in my mind it immediately reminded me of those old racy GossipGirl promos, hence post title :)
[KALI] (20-30’s).. A beautiful Indian woman, wearing stilettos, pencil skirt and a low cut top, she looks like the hottest lawyer you've ever seen. Intimidating, calm, powerful, always in control, sensual with a sensitive side, but can be deadly when she wants something. She’ is a leader with plans and the determination to put them in place.sptv050769..GUEST STAR (4)

And that God's name is actually Kali too. Mere coincidence to throw off fans from the real story plot? Or do they want us to think it's a throw off when it's actual what it is?
Damn Kripke and his army of genius writers.
It would be amazing to see another different kind of God besides from the Pagans!
the mythology and shiz is always intriguing,
Super and Natural **MissTee