I think everybody who watched "The Song Remains the Same" episode thought it was epic. Storyline-wise, probably the best of Season 5 so far, although it's a close one with "The End" ~ you know I can't dismiss a Double!Dean episode with a hint of Samifer in the mix ;) ~ . But this Supernatural episode got my tears a-runnin, and I didn't even notice that I was about to shed one!
It was ironic how the tables seemed to have changed so much when Cas was face to face with Anna. She used to be his boss, and in that scene it was our bb Cas who was taking charge. FIERCE! I thought she was going on heavenly orders but as the epi unravelled it was clear that she was doing it by her own will. One of my favorite ~ if not my most ~ line was Cas', "No. Because Sam is my friend." I literally "Aaaw"-ed :)
This picture really fooled me, I thought those were demons busting her ass to prevent her from killing Luci's vessel. . . .they were just teen lovers in the 70s. Hah! Of course demons can't time travel like angels can so that was impossible from the beginning! Fail on my SPN!Logic.
It's nice to see that Cas is starting to actually have a heart, with that "Sam is my friend" line and him assuring Sam that Anna does SO NOT have a point to kill Sam, using Dean's reference to Glenn Close. The bad news about that is, it means h
e's becoming more and more like Future!Cas, getting in touch with his emotions like a human would! I actually don't have a problem with that ~ hello, FutureHigh!Cas is cutee ~ I just don't like it if it comes with an Apocalyptic future as well. The Apocalypse needs to DIAF >:(

Did anyone else notice the threesome love? I mean it's usually Sam BEST BROS with Dean, Dean BFFS with Cas, and Sam. . . .awkward with Cas. It was really nice ~ and about time! ~ that we see them as a whole 3 now, not divided into 2 parts. Now it's SAM/DEAN/CAS! :D
Sam meeting his mommy for the first time was sooooo adorbs! It was right for them to have Jared already kind of overwhelmed and teary right from the start when Young!Mary opens the door to the bros. And that Sam + Young!John scene?
THAT was the scene that got me all sad and crying. You could really feel and understand the emotions behind Sammy's every word. Kudos to Jared for an amazing scene! Matt Cohen ~ aka Young!John ~ is not to be forgotten either, he did absolutely great in this episode. First of all, in that Sam and Young!John scene he had to hold his composure because Young!John doesn't know what is going to happen and was totally criticizing his self without even knowing it, so while Jared got to be all teary Matt couldn't. I bet that was hard. WHO CAN RESIST JARED'S SAD PUPPY FACE?
And the second reason to my praise for Matt is that I think he kind of had to play 3 different characters in this episode. For reals :
** normal Young!John who's really sweet and nice blabla, has no idea what the frack is actually going about. So not the John we're used to.
** Young!John with a Sir!John edge, after he had been told about everything. I totally loved that we could definitely see some of Jeffrey Dean Morgan's John there. Especially him stubbornly cutting his hand and being all tough and shiz. "You just reminded me of my Dad." I totes agree with bb Dean!
** MICHAEL. OMG MICHAEL HAS COME AND HE CAME VIA JOHN WINCHESTER FORM ~ well it would been better if it was Sir!John form but now that wouldn't make any sense lol ~ So yeah, Matt had to be one of the angels too.
SPEAKING OF THE MOST BADASS ANGEL IN HEAVEN ~ eherm, I mean besides Castiel ~ I
knew that Mike was going to be a duwshh. I got a kick out of how hot he thought his self was, because it clearly showed that he knew he totally runned the place when he arrived. I loved when he was all, "Goodbye Uriel" *snaps fingers* POOFS URIEL IS GONE. Awesomesauce. He is definitely my 2nd favorite angel. Kinda sad to see Dean's face when Mike was making a point that he will NEVER be able to change anything because everything is all just part of the plan. So helpless. . .And may Anna RIP.

Too bad he had to scrub Young!Mary and Young!John's brains so they wouldn't remember. Young!Mary was a fierce btch, LOVE HER! The way she was all ninja-ish with the knife and shiz. And I was actually hoping that Sam and Dean could possibly make a difference with this time-visit.
Yeah, right.
Oh and the last scene where Young!Mary's all "don't worry bb, angels are watching over you" to little Dean in her tummy, OMG my ironicy level shot up the roof. So fudging messed up.
My episode rant is done now.
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I fully support Team Fee Will with all my SPN luv,
Super and Natural **MissTee