Over all a good episode. Couldn't beat last week's "The Song Remains the Same" but still good nonetheless. I think the ending of this one was the thing that really made it. But I'll get to that later on.
When the guy and girl were happily looking at each other and sheepishly saying how they both had a nice time together, I didn't feel all warm inside because thanks to what Kripke and Edlund told us, I was preparing myself to see that couple rip each other to shreds.
And I agree with Edlund, it was really sick. What made it really icky was probably all the "crunch" sounds everytime they bit each other. BLEEHHH. I cringed the whole time.
"Please, gentlemen, refrigerate after opening."
I liked the doctor. Different than the other docs that we've seen on the show. He wasn't fussy and didn't give the boys a hard time, he even had a sense of humor about internal organs storaging :)
Okay, about Cupid, I must take back my words when I said he wasn't chubby/funny-looking enough. Since I guessed they had a nekkid Cupid was for laughs, I was imagining someone like Jack Black or something. But when Cupid showed his happy-go-lucky attitude I started to like him. SO HAPPY AND GIGGLY!
Dean : you said you were following orders? who's orders?
Cupid *looks at him in disbelief and then giggles* : Heaven, silly, Heaven!
Lucky bitch got to hug all three with the excuse of being crazy by nature. Must try that sometime.
When he cried? Aaaw :( I am not familiar with Lex Medlin's other work, but he did a good job on playing a happy low-class Angel who loves 'LOVE' more than anything and enjoyed matching up random people. Did a far better job than I thought he would.
I knew if Sammy was craving anything it wouldn't be stinkin' twinkies.
Of course the bald dude was a demon! That's why Sam got all ape-shit inside everytime he saw that guy. D-BLOOD, HELLOOOO. ex-junkie. It all adds up. And I was really proud that Sammy was able to restrain himself, atleast until he was locked up appropriately.
Cas was easy to figure out too, ever since the first time he reache
d for Dean's burger. Must've been Jimmy because Angels are too perfect and emotion-less to crave anything. But Dean craving NOTHING was a dead mystery. I think everyone guessed the obvi of what Dean would be craving : good junk food, booze, or sex. Not necessarily in that order, those are the top 3 things Dean loves ~ well, not including Sammy that is ~

So I agreed to Dean's explanation when Cas was chowing down his lower-100th burger ~ Castiel's eating voice is LOVE, btw ~ and pointed it out, saying that he was just well-fed.
But it all made more perfect ~ and dramatic ~ sense that it wasn't because Dean had whatever he craved whenever he wanted, but because he was already DEAD inside. It's just so sad that somebody who seems to enjoy life as much as he could, actually felt empty inside. That was what made it much worse. Oh, and kudos to the casting team for finding the possibly most creepiest grandpa EVER. Famine was down-right disturbing. The old man did a good job of creeping me out.
I was sure that he was gonna just go for the free buffet that Famine offered him. But once again, Sam did us SPNFreaks proud and exorcised the shit out of what, 5 DEMONS AT THE SAME FREAKING TIME. Holy Blonde Cheerleader Batman.
Famine turned from scary into stupid after he gobbled up the demons that Sam rejected and ended up enabling Sam to kill him. Which makes me wonder :
If Famine wasn't so fudging hungry as a horse all the time and didn't eat them Ds, how would've the boys defeated him? Did he even have a mojo source like War's ring? IMPORTANT QUESTIONSSS~
Now for the ending.
but more teary-eyed, Dean luv
Jensen was awesome in the last scene! It's like we could actually feel the hole inside him. How helpless he was. . . .BRAVO, JENSEN, BRAVO.
To be honest, if there wasn't that last scene I don't think this episode would be as good as I am thinking it to be. It actually got me all angsty and crying and "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU, GOD? HELP THE DAMN BOY!"
So yeah, I was satisfied with this episode but not really like OMG WOW. It was a cute episode.
I mean, aside from suicidal people and couples DEVOUR-ing each other ~ you see what i did thurr ;) ~
Here's the DL :
hellatus needs to get a life and stop pesting fandoms,
Super and Natural **MissTee