For you SPNFreaks in the US, TNT is holding another re-runs shiz starting Monday Feb 15 due to this unholy 2nd hellatus that's going on.

And then on the other days the show is aired once, which is 10AM each day.
Here's the airing sched :
Monday, February 15 :
9:00AM ET Tall Tales
10:00AM ET Hollywood Babylon
11:00AM ET Folsom Prison Blues
12:00PM ET Bad Day At Black Rock
1:00PM ET Mystery Spot
2:00PM ET Monster Movie
3:00PM ET Yellow Fever
4:00PM ET Criss Angel Is A Douchebag
5:00PM ET After School Special
6:00PM ET Monster At The End Of This Book
Tuesday, February 16, 10:00AM ET Croatoan
Wednesday, February 17, 10:00AM ET Hunted
Thursday, February 18, 10:00AM ET Playthings
Friday, February 19, 10:00AM ET Nightshifter
Monday, February 22, 10:00AM ET Houses Of The Holy
Tuesday, February 23, 10:00AM ET Born Under A Bad Sign
Wednesday, February 24, 10:00AM ET Tall Tales
Thursday, February 25, 10:00AM ET Roadkill
Friday, February 26, 10:00AM ET Heart
i hope no NON-SPNers get sick of that whole day marathon lol,
Super and Natural **MissTee