First thought that came to mind at the beginning where the cop comes into the abandoned hotel :
Seriously, what was that cop even doing in that building? It was obviously out of use so why feel the need to go in?
The boys get in and the creepy hotel front desk just happens to mention their amazing pie. Dean bb, when some random person mentions pie to your face that is a dead giveaway that they know you love pie. And are trying to lure you in.
The pie display did look pretty yummy, though. I wonder if it actually was.
The woman in the red dress of course was Kali.
Is anyone a fellow SuperGlee fan ~ meaning you love Supernatural and love the show Glee, as well ~ ? Because from the first time she opened her mouth all I could think of was this :

Must have been the sassy attitude and giant lips.
Didn't really like Kali. She was definitely a btch. I'm sure she was meant to be a fierce btch but she just striked me as the latter. Plus, she totally had bad taste in men (god or not, who turns down Dean Winchester, really?).
I really loved the boys' faces when they realized how deep shiz they were in :

I did feel sorry for them because they really couldn't catch a break! But I still couldn't help but laugh at their dumb-found faces ;)
Moving on, I was dissapointed ~ but not surprised ~ that the gods were just in regular semi-formal attire. I did like the way they closed in on a couple of gods' tag names ~ lol ikr? ~ and showed clips of their lore and true identity, though.
And I loathed the 'main course' that Mercury dude brought in at the beginning.
Eew, Kripke.
When the Gabester shows up I didn't expect him to be there until later on in the episode, so that was a nice surprise. It was even nicer to see that he apparently had a 'thing' with Kali. D'UUR :) Kali's relationship with Gabester was the only thing I didn't hate about her,
"Baldur's uncomplicated."
Oh how mortal of you, Kali.
I was very surprised by how much of Kali we got. I was expecting more Baldur since he seemed like the head of the gang or something, but it was more like Kali was running the show.
I wanted more Baldur. Just sayin'.
Skip on to the important stuff, like when Mercury stupidly called Lucifer. YOU DON'T JUST FREAKIN' CALL THE DEVIL, YOU MORON. HE'S NAMED THE DEVIL FOR A REASON. So yeah -surprise, surprise!- Mercury is killed. And all of the other gods, killed by Luci's rage.
We definitely got to see another side of Lucifer in this episode. He's usually so demur and calm and shiz. But here, he's all rage. Must be getting itchy from that worn down meat suit of his. Mark Pellegrino was amazing here. Luci seemed so complex and different than when we usually see him.
I was proud that the Gabester finally found a sack and decided to come back and save Kali and the boys. One of the things I love about Gabester being in an episode : we always get to hear how his family is from a more 'normal' perspective. Like here, we find that Luci was actually their Father's golden boy. Being the favorite, he got jealous of the ~ as Gabe put it ~ new baby and threw a tantrum. I loved Richard here. He kept the Gabester's hilarity in what was suppose to be serious situation for Gabe. And I liked how the writers made him take a stand here, saying how he was on humanity's side. If only Sammy and Dean could have heard that. . .But I gotta say, he should have done a better trick than that one on Luci. We all know Luci is evil and freakin' smart, and most importantly he knows how his little bro works, of course he wasn't gonna fall for that you're-talking-to-an-illusion-and-I'm-actually-smiting-from-behind trick. I thought that was a lame way for Gabester to go :(
Oh, and I really digged the sort of smokey feathers that flew up from his wings as Gabester lay dead on the floor.
Anyhoot, even in death he still got style. Who would have thought to leave their death message in a porno? I LOL-ed when he came on screen wearing that outfit and fake moustache!
Nice to know that there's new hope now. The boys got a new plan to stop Luci. All they have to do is get the other two remaining rings.
Should be a piece of cake, right?
Of course not.
Last but not least, let me just say that Pestilence's scene at the end, where he's all faking sick and getting slime and snot everywhere. . . . . .YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKK. That is probably one of the grossest moments in Supernatural history. No joke. I kept cursing at Kripke and his sick obsession to gross us good. Well, good job, Kripke. Don't worry, I still love you, as long as you keep the boys. And Cas. And Bobby. And Chuck. Kay, thanks.
Overall, a so-so episode because there wasn't really a lot going on. But it was nice in the sense that
a) there was no drama between the boys like in the past. YAY! :D
b) new hope for saving the world, FINALLY!
and the last scenes since Luci coming to the hotel were awesome!
Here's the DL link :
Question of the episode : so where did Sam and Dean drop off Kali?
next episode is going to be omg wtf-ish I can tell,
Super and Natural **MissTee