"I wanted it to be a total surprise for you all, but someone spilled the beans!"
That's what Traci Dinwiddie had to say when EclipseMagazine contacter her to do an interview about Pam's comeback.

The "bean spiller" : the publicity department for the CW Network who sent out the promo blurb for S5.16 "Dark Side of the Moon" which announced her return guest appearance along with several other favorites ~ mama W & Ash! ~
According to this interview, other guest stars include Roger Aaron Brown as 'Joshua', Bones the Dog as 'Casey' AND, get this, Young!Sam aka Colin Ford! The boys did mention that there was an upcoming ep with Colin back & where there was a dog too ~ checkout the J2 panel from LACON! ~
- Was she as surprised as the viewers and the fans are to find herself back on Supernatural to reprise a character that died last season?
"I was stoked!" (goes on to explain that she actually got the call from her manager about the return while she was appearing a guest at the Creation Salute to Supernatural Convention in Chicago last November.) "I had to keep yet ANOTHER big secret the whole time I was there. Though, this one was much more fun to keep than the forth coming Supernatural death of Pamela Barnes."
- General overview of what it was like being back on the set and working with the guys again on the show. The answer illicit's quite a visual!
"Twas like crawling back into my puppy box. Cozy. Easy going. Kind & Fun!"

- Pamela apparently made it to heaven, was Traci surprised about this?
"How do you know that she made it to heaven? It's April fool's day, my dear, and Supernatural, ta boot. No spoilers from me!"
- There was some animosity on Pam's part towards the guys, especially Sam Winchester for getting her involved in things. Will we see a continuation of that or is the dynamic different?
"I can only tell you this. When I read the script, I was like…."really??? REALLY????!!!! The fans are going to FREAK!" ~ OMGOMG! :D ~
- Why she thinks Supernatural has made it to 100 episodes and what's like to be a part of that history.
"Bottom line, the FANS are what keep this show rockin' and a' rollin! Without you, the story does not get told. Okay, and the boyz are hot and hilarious. There, I said it."
It's ok to admit it Traci, cause we the viewers and the fans pretty much all agree with you about that!
- Is there anything else she was working on that she could tell us about.
"I have just finished shooting a lead role in an indie feature film based on a true story called "Elena Undone". I play a lesbian free-lance writer who falls terribly in love with a married, straight woman. Also, I'm writing away on a new web series. It's a cross between Twilight Zone and Twin Peaks. It's very cool, if I do say so myself."
- One last message from Traci to the Supernatural fans and viewers who have taken her and Pamela into their hearts.
"Thank you soooo much for your awesome support of my character and work as an actress! You make this journey even more special!"
I love Traci! She seems so nice and sweet to fans, very groovy and almost earth-mother-like ;)
Pam is definitely one of the females on Beloved Show that is badass and made of awesome.
Can't wait to see the episode in a couple of hours! EEP! :D
long live Beloved Show,
Super and Natural **MissTee