Can I just say that THE EPISODE WAS AMAZING?
First off, Michael is such a duwsh. Seriously. Why the heaven would he drop in on a bar where innocent bystandars are just minding their own business, wallowing in their life sorrows, just to get struck with internal bleeding all because he wanted to speak with Zach? Couldn't he just have used some Angel Telepathy or some shiz? Without the young!John meat suit, plus that no-regard-for-human-life attitude I am totally not feeling Michael now.
Anyways, when they all finally re-group at Bobby's, I encounter another annoyance. DEAN'S SOURPUSS ATTITUDE. I am and always will be a Dean girl ~ no worries, I still have a soft spot for Sammy ;) ~ but I was really getting tired of his BEE-S. I know, I know, his poor attitude was due to the weight of the end of the world on his shoulders. But he's DEAN-FUDGING-WINCHESTER. He can take on anything! It was endearing at first, especially in "My Bloody Valentine" but the constant angst and self pity was really throwing me off the Dean loving.
I wanted to smack his pretty face when he told off Bobby,"You're not my father".
not if Jared has anything to say about it.
And after Bobby yelled at him the tension was so thick you could have cut it with a Demon Blade. Good job on building the serious scene, guys.
Jake Abel did a 180 here. If any of you remember the first-AND LAST-time we saw Adam, he was very much the littlest brother who was catching up and sort of trying to be a Winchester. No fuss, no muss. A good little baby bro. Turns out it was one of them damn ghouls.
And here we finally get to meet the REAL Adam.
I didn't expect his snarky attitude because of the impression from the last ep we saw him in. The give 'em hell attitude, the outfit, the blonde hair, even ~ later when we find out ~ his taste in food. . . .he was totally related to Dean. Which was kind of weird because it made Sam look like the brown-headed step-child. He was too Dean. Don't know if that was intentional or not. But the good news is I disliked him less in this one. It was kind of hard to hate him with his mommy issues and how he practically raised himself. Nonetheless, Jake did a fantastic job! :)
Still not buying him as a Winchester though :p
Oh and Bobby's cluelessness about Adam was freakin' priceless! I kept laughing everytime they shot his expression on cam.
Castiel : *intense slashy stare*
Dean : "Oh Cas, not for nothing, but the last person who looked at me like that. . . .I got laid"
Castiel : *intense stare even more slashier*
Dean : *WINKS*
Kripke, you sly dawg. Way to amp up the slashiness of the Dean and Cas dynamic. First the "Blow me, Cas", which made me LOL at Cas' confused face, Zach's comment on Sam and Dean's relay being 'erotically co-dependant', and now this. A little fan service, maybe? ;) And I could've sworn I saw a potential little smile almost about to creep up Misha's face in that scene!
Speaking of the pretty Angel, I guess that slashy stare was actually meant to be anger. Cas had been really quiet through out the ep, only speaking when weird Angel fudgery stirred up. I could understand that. He was frustrated with Dean being such a debbie downer and wanting to surrender to the forces of Heaven. The forces Cas ultimately rebelled against because he wanted to do what was right.
So I cheered him on when he was beating the crap out of my bb Dean. He had every right to. And it was about frackin' time someone tried to beat some sense into him. WORD OF THE WISE, PEOPLE! :)
Misha was awesomesauce in this episode. His acting of dissapointment, anger and frustration to Dean was great. So I was praying real hard for Cas when he went into that muffler factory. All by himself. To face 5 Angels alone. HE WAS THE SACRIFICE PEOPLE WERE HINTING ABOUT! I kind of guessed it would be him. I loved his last line to Dean, "Maybe it is (suicide). But then I won't have to watch you fail."
The shirtless scene was NOT what I had in mind. I did not want to see my Angel Castiel carve his chest out to make that Angel Repeller sign thingy. I HEREBY DEMAND A "REAL" SHIRTLESS SCENE IN THE FUTURE TO COME.
And so help me I will smite a btch if Cas doesn't come back.
Eherm, I really REALLY liked the twists in this episode :
1) When Zach's all "Remember we said you were going to be Michael and save the world? Well yeah, we lied. So now we don't really need you anymore. But you can have these burgers" I LOL-ed and my jaws dropped. That triggers the question = so Michael lied to Dean about it being in the bloodline in "The Song Remains the Same"? Just so he could pull this Plan B shiz? Strike two, Michael. I hate lying liars who lie.
Oh, and poor Adam :( Welcome to the world of your brothers.

Probably the most epic wink Dean has ever wink-ed, and that boy has wink-ed a lot! The smile he gives first topped off with that epic!Wink? I fapped. And died. And fapped some more.
Cus I was totally shaking and crying when Dean resentfully said YES. I can't even describe my reaction. All sorts of WTFs. Couldn't bear looking at Sam's face of disbelief that his bro would let him down. Jared, your facial expressions of saddened puppy!Eyes are win. So I melted when Dean wink-ed. Because right then and there, I knew everything was going to turn out all right.
Way to go Jensen for the awesome acting in that wink scene. I truely thought we had lost Dean. I would have almost bought it. . . .if it weren't for the fact that I knew what the next episodes of Beloved Show were about. And they all certainly didn't involve michael!Dean :)
Last thing to get off my fangirl chest, I am so proud of Sam in this one. I really am. He was so mature it was insane. Well, come to think of it, Sam's always been mature-if not, rationally calm and collected. In this episode it felt like Sam was getting headblocked from all over the place. His brother giving up, actually saying to his face that he doesn't believe in him (WTF DEAN?), Adam acting like a little punk in the sitch, Bobby who couldn't get a grip on Adam when he was looking for Dean, . . .seriously, if I was Sammy I would have imploded somewhere in the middle of the ep. But he didn't. He kept on believing and pulling everything together. Sammy is amazing. ILU, SAMMY! ;D
Not least, applause for the writers who made a wonderful episode, as per usual. We're lucky to have non-shizzy writers for our show ;)
Here's the DL Link :
Next episode : say hey to the Gods!
a wonderful 100th,
Super and Natural **MissTee