"Don't ask stupid questions."
You know what's amazing about Castiel being drunk? That he's still able to contain that emotion-less face even though he "drank a liquor store". You could tell he was drunk but he still looked sober. I don't even know how that is. That is definitely due to Misha's amazingness. But his funny drunken antics were also a bit sad. Like I said in the last review, Dean knew exactly how Cas was feeling. I felt sorry for Cas. It's understandable that he's drunk. A runaway father isn't something you take lightly, especially if that father happens to be the sole Creator of the universe and all.
I was kind of getting annoyed with my bb Dean. It was so clear that he was giving up!! WHAT. THE. HEAVEN. Poor Sammyy :( He needed his bro to be strong, but Dean was just drowning in his own self pity and exhaustion that he didn't care his little bro needed back-up. This is where the storyline is kind of getting sucky for me. I always hate when Sam and Dean start to rip apart, like in Season 4 and in the beginning of Season 5. Oh, I hated Kripke so fudging much for "Free to Be You and Me". But we can't really blame the writers for this. There's been kind of a spoiler from Jensen when he was at LACON about what's to come on Beloved Show that you can see in this article. So yeah, to get there the boys are going to have to go through this stage. But still, I just wished we could skip this part in their relationship and get the Apocalypse over with and just move the hell on.
So yes, of course, the end of this ep bugged me out.
Seriously, Dean.
Somebody needs to jump in and straighten out this boy's head STAT! It was nice to see Lisa again, though. But they pull that scene and don't even bother to include Ben? I don't even know.
This episode leaves me to believe that THIS SPOILER is exactly what I think it is.
Overall? I can't believe I'm saying this, but this episode was just okay for me, if not mehh.
It's not the actors, they were great as usual, but the storyline is just overwhelming me. Even the plot for this episode alone without the tie-in to the Apocalypse was predictable : the cutie Prophet turns out to be fake so they have to kill her but that can only be by a servant of God, which none of them are ~ LOL SAM IS AN ABOMINATION ~ but then in the heat of the moment ~ see what i did there? ;) ~ Dean sticks the chick and turns out, hey, he can! So he IS a servant of God!
Too predictable for Beloved Show's level.
Here's the DL Link :
Now I'm scared for next week's ep.
and how is Sammy going to get around without a ride lol,
Super and Natural **MissTee