I know, when you actually think about it there's not really much going on in it ~ they were just looking for a lead on Sneezy the whole time ~ but it was probably because our beloved gay demon Crowley just brought so much awesomesauce.
Okay, first thing I noticed when Crowley was trying to convince the boys that they need his help, my bb Dean gets all srz bznz like. As if he was actually contemplating the fact of working together with Crowley - which of course made Sam go all "OLDER PIE-LOVING BRO SAY WHAT?" and I don't blame Sammy. You know why? Because :
Dean : "You chose a demon over your own brother, Sam!"
- a bunch of times in the beginning of S5
It was so ironic how Dean gave all that shiz about the time when Sammy was sucked into Ruby's vortex of evil ~ which he totes didn't know btw ~ and opted to trust Ruby because he thought it was for the greater good, and NOWW Dean's all "IDK I THINK CROWLEY IZ TELLIN DA TRUTH". Seriously, Dean? SERIOUSLY? Don't make me go all Grey's Anatomy all over your sweet ass.
So I totally agreed with Sam when he pointed that out.
But Dean chose to trust Crowley and go anyways. I don't know if it was because Dean was desperate or just because he secretly wanted to get even with Sam and show him how it felt to be second choice for your own bro over some shady demon. It did turn out kind of good in the end, they did get Brady, but Crowley got Dean all beat up to do it so, yeah. .
Speaking of Crowley, wasn't he just amazingness in this episode?? Come on, the demon seriously reeks of awesome. Plus, this whole being allies thing with the Winchesters. . .he gets us to trust him but on the other hand still displays little reminders that demons are still demons, i. e. :
a) he willingly just cut innocent people in the way
b) he used Dean as bait without freaking telling him
c) literally led HellHounds on to their asses, albeit unknowingly
d) he's trying to convince Bobby TO GIVE HIS SOUL
We'll get back to the fourth point later on.
What was I saying? Oh yeah, Crowley is fudging amazing. And another thing I love about him is all the quote fodder he gives us! Seriously, besides Dean he is probably the second character in Supernatural to have the best lines evar.

*iz totally outraged* "THEY ATE MY TAILOR!"
*shrugs* "That's what you get, working with a demon."
". . .because you and I are. . .wait for it. . .Lovers. In League. Against Satan."
etc, etc.
I love Crowley. I love Mark Sheppard as Crowley. Keep him forever Kripke, kay?
Next up, we have Brady. With his corporate asshat ways he actually reminded me of Zach ~ may the dck Rest In Peace ~ . I thought Eric Johnson did a wonderful job playing Brady, because I really despised him. He had that evil smug shiz about him that's so annoying, which was great character-wise. And oh, he was the demon that Yellow Eyes put up to keep tabs on Sammy's development. And ~ oh em gee ~ HE'S the one who killed Sam's beloved Jessica! Oh that really pushed Sam's buttons. This was definitely an angry!Sammy episode, fo shoo.
I mean, he flat out flipped when Crow showed up in front of the boys and was outraged with disbelief when Dean went with Crowley's plan. Don't get me started with when he found out about Brady. . .SO MUCH ANGST! Probably more than we've ever seen Sam with in a long time in just a one episode periode. And he was drinking. He rarely drinks, especially directly from the whole bottle like the way he did when he called Bobby. Jared did angry!Sammy justice. But Sam suggesting that he leap into the trap as Luci?
I'm sorry Sammy bb but HOW DUMB.
He must have been starting to taste the alcohol's effect because that was such a redic plan so I thought that was pointless. I hope he doesn't do any stupid shiz and try to actually attempt it.
Was nice to see Sam get his revenge in the end, though. He got to stick Brady. Which I'm glad he did, even if it didn't change anything.
One of my favorite scenes in this episode : WHEN CROWLEY SETS HIS PET HELLHOUND ON THE ENEMY HELLHOUND. That was epic!! :D Even though we couldn't really see it, that scene was one of the coolest scenes on Beloved Show. Now I want one!
I'm sorry for those of you who don't like Crowley ~ which is kind of weird but whatevs everyone has their own opinion ~ this review has a bunch of Crowley praise in it. But even as much as I love the demon, I still find him shady and untrustworthy. Why? Because. . . .
he is a demon.
Demon's are just bad. Not like the nice vampires we saw in "Bloodlust", I don't think demons can be good. Especially when he told Bobby he could help find Death by "lending" his soul for a bit. Really, Crowley? That is a bunch of crap.
Here's the DL link :
Question of the episode : why does Crowley need Bobby's soul specifically and not just any soul?
whatwhat only 2 more eps to go luvs,
Super and Natural **MissTee