Thursday, January 14, 2010


Since the very first time I announced that Thursdays were no longer of existance here at SPNMUSTPIE, I've pretty much missed a lot of Casday posts due to real life obligations and personal human errors of my own.

[Don't know what CASDAY is? HOW DARE YOU. LOL. no, this is what CASDAY is about]

And its back on again!

I want Casday to be a regular thing, hopefully I will be able to do this.

Here are some fanarts in icon form that I think are really good.


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Credit for these purrty icons go to curlytoot at LiveJournal!

You can see the rest of this Cas icon batch of hers here


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Credit for these bb icon Cas' goes to madeleine_rose at LiveJournal!

For the rest of her bunch you should go here


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Credit kasienka_nikki at LiveJournal for these!

Rest is over here. WARNING : more than half of it is for the Dean/Cas luvers ;)

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NOMNOMNOM. Cas cannot help is humanly ~cravingss


MostAdorable!Angel is Adorable,

Super and Natural **MissTee