well I iz no rediculously buff health freak like you Sammy
Title is my favorite line from the episode!
This episode of Supernatural "Swap Meat" was good. I actually thought it was going to be confusing because the promo and sneaks show Sammy and the Geekboy ~ aka Gary ~ switched up back and forth as themselves and as theirselves in the other body. Turns out it was just because of the random collage of images that were put together. Lucky it wasn't like that for reals. I liked the scene where Sam's looking in the mirror and seeing Geekboy's reflection mimicking his gestures to a tea.
Geekboy's pals? That Trevor guy was so freaking ANNOYING. I wanted to jump into the screen and smite his mouth up ~ aww I miss Cass :( ~ And from the casting call, Nora was suppose to have a crush on Geekboy but I didn't really get that from her. If I didn't know about the calls I wouldn't have figured it out until Sammy brought it up to Geekboy. Nevertheless, the actress did a really good job of turning and playing a demon. Really creepy, especially when she kills that Trevor guy and licks the blood off her hand, "Mmmmh. Tastes like moron." That line actually made me LOL ;D
Geekboy himself was not too shabby either. He had pretty easy lines that were already hilar so he didn't really have to do much, but he still delivered them well.

Jared did awesome with the acting-as-a-teenager part. Too bad it was just for 1 scene though, honestly I could have gone with more of that. Really funny! :D SAMMY IN NON-HUNTER CLOTHING WAS KINDA WEIRD THOUGH. Like Bobby without a hat.
And I liked the thing about the evils putting out a bounty for Dean. I mean, of course I didn't like that every satanist in the country was after Dean's head ~ because I fudging love that BAMF ~ but I thought it kept things interesting. It ties up this supposedly one-stand episode with the whole Apocalypse shiz too.
Yeah, that's enough.
Here is the download link :
See a new review next week! :D
Geekboy!Jared is amazing I need more of that in my life,
Super and Natural **MissTee