I honestly had a laugh fit when I saw that scene. MOST FAVORITE SCENE IN IT! I knew they were going to act crazy to not look suspicious, but I didn't think that Dean would take it that far. Not that I'm complaining. . . ;)
I really LOVED this episode! Who would have thought that an episode about being crazy could be that good and enjoyable? I think most of the fans who saw the episode promo were all thinking the same thing as me, that this episode was going to be about them fighting their ~inner~ demons. Well yeah, there was some of that, but it wasn't all of it. It looked very angsty from the promo and the fact that it was still light and had lots of humorous moments speaks much about the writers still having the knack to give us a rollercoaster ride of emotion.
PS : Drunk!Sammy is almost better than Evil!Sammy ! Too cute I cannot even.
And in return, it also gave our bbs Jensen and Jared a
chance to show their acting range. I mean, pssh, we already knew that they had the chops for a while now but this just proves our point. I really don't know much about acting and shiz, but I think that trying to act crazy is actually not a piece of cake as some would assume. The scene where Sam is imagining that he's getting hoarded by a group of people telling him it's all his fault and they show Jared literally throwing punches around into thin air? If Jared didn't have the skills it would have come out looking awkward or overdone. But since he does have the skills, it turned out looking like he was really losing his mind without it looking rediculous.

And for Jensen I love how in one scene he's still in his crazy state and trying to fight the Wraeth, but then in the next scenes he's back to the reguler tough-man Dean and telling his little bro that everything's okay. Very versatile.
I wasn't expecting the doctor to be the Wraeth. At first I was, since it seemed like the logical choice because the doc kept insisting to the patients that there was no such thing as monsters and acting all shady and what not. And then I remembered,
Beloved Show ain't gonna go for the obvious. So it kinda wasn't a shock that it turned out to be the nurse. In fact I liked the nurse. She was. . . .pleasantly annoying? I don't know how to explain it. Twas a shame that she turned out to be Sam and Dean's hunting prey. And the bit where Dean cracks her hand-nail thing into half? GROSS-OUT MUCH *yuck*
They got me with the pretty lady doctor. Her turning out to be an illussion of Dean's crazy-poisoned mind. Didn't see that coming AT. ALL. When Dean was yelling at her because she was saying all those nasty things about him I was thinking that she was going to be the monster instead. She didn't even exist.
And I felt sorry for Martin. I wish he would have escaped together with them :( But yeah, I guess thats where he wanted to be.
Okay, that's pretty much my rant for this episode.
Here's the DL link :
Till the next amazing episode!
chocolate pudding is my favorite,
Super and Natural **MissTee