The people from Hunter's Addict were lucky enough to celebrate their 300,000 visitors milestone with an exclusive interview with the amazing Samantha Ferris, or you may probably know her better on Supernatural as the tough talking mother/hunter Ellen Harvelle!
Supernatural Hunter's Addict (SHA) : It’s written on your wikipedia page that you were a reporter – If it’s true, how did you like the experience ? And how did you go from being a reporter to being an actress ? [LolaJohnston] 
Ferris : I got into the media long before I got into the acting. I went to broadcast school in 1991. I became a radio announcer shortly thereafter and continued to work in the media industry for many years. I still do once in a while. I was a rock jock, traffic reporter in a plane, weather reporter on a tv station….you name it. I loved the media but it wasn’t going to be my be all end all. I needed something more. I woke up one morning and realized that I was bored and wanted to chase the real thing…. acting. And I did.

Ferris : I got into the media long before I got into the acting. I went to broadcast school in 1991. I became a radio announcer shortly thereafter and continued to work in the media industry for many years. I still do once in a while. I was a rock jock, traffic reporter in a plane, weather reporter on a tv station….you name it. I loved the media but it wasn’t going to be my be all end all. I needed something more. I woke up one morning and realized that I was bored and wanted to chase the real thing…. acting. And I did.
SHA : What music do you listen to ? [LolaJohnston]
Ferris : I was always very into music. I worked at a record label for a few years and was exposed to a lot of different stuff so my answer is varied. It depends. I still love the modern rock: Oasis, Dandy Warhols, Social Distortion, Everclear. Dave Mathews Band is big on my list. James. William Orbital. Morcheeba. ~ she has got some wicked taste in music ~ And I am still a sucker for some old classic rock: Cheap Trick, Led Zeppelin, April Wine, Sweet, 5 man Electical Band. War. I grew up on the stones and will always love them…up until Tatoo You…everything after that was shit, in my humble opinion.
SHA : What’s your favourite type of movies – Drama, horror, comedy ? And according to your experience, what’s harder to play ? [Jen]
Ferris : Too hard to answer that. I like all genres…..except maybe horror. Not a whole lot of time for that and being really freaked out is annoying. Some of my favorite movies: Fantastic Mr Fox, Love Actually, Crash, Short Cuts, Superbad ~ omg she likes superbad! ~ , Super troopers, Galaxy Quest, Meatballs, Parenthood, Terms of Endearment, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Good Will Hunting..
SHA : Do you believe in anything supernatural ? If you do, did you have any personal experience ? [LolaJohnston]
Ferris : Yes, absolutely. I think there is something out there bigger than the human race…..wouldn’t that be arrogant of us to think that we are the only energy form out there? I think one day we will tap into an ability to cross over or experience a different plane of existence. For now we are just ignorant human bodies with no 6th sense. We use 10% of our brains. At best. What is the rest of it for? in 1000 years we will be using it for the stuff we call Supernatural in this day and age. I have heard many stories. Too many to be coincidences and lies. I believe I have seen my dead father on a number of weird instances but I have never had an earth shattering experience personally. My best friend Kelli is about to die of cancer. I have asked her to come back and visit me at some point…. I’ll let you know.
SHA : How did you feel about Ellen and Jo’s exit ? [Niki]
Ferris : Bittersweet. Very sad to leave the show but we went in a rather heroic and selfless way that i have to be proud.
SHA : Was your experience on set any different from when you first came some 3 years ago to this season ? Or has anything changed from season 2 when you came ? [RivalHunter]
Ferris : Not really. Came in pretty much right where we left off.

Ferris :They were great scenes to shoot. I like doing the emotionally charged stuff. It’s like therapy. It feels good. Gets you so out of your head and focussed on something else so completely. We were both right there for it. Gotta be careful you don’t cry too much in the first part of the scenes… your tears for the closeups on you. I found myself crying really hard for Alona’s coverage and kinda ran out of gas for my stuff, but I saw it and I seemed to have hung onto a bit of it. It was also my last time with the cast and crew so a lot of natural emotion came into play. I was very sad to leave them. They were a sort of family to me ~ aaaw :( ~
SHA : How was your last day on the set ? [Poucca]
Ferris : Tough. I balled my eyes out. Have gotten to know them all over the years and the crew are a really great bunch of people. It was like when you break up with a guy and then you lose all his friends and family, too. Phil (director) had them put together a little DVD compilation of mine and Alona’s stuff and edited it all to “she’s a lady” by Tom Jones ~ damn thats really sweet, the SPN cast and crew always seem so nice ~ It was very sweet and not necessary. That made me really weepy. I will miss them more than any other cast and crew I have ever worked with
SHA : Do you think that is it or have there been hints about a flashback or a ghost sequence ? [Niki]
SF : Yes, there were hints before we even left that there were opportunities to come back but you never know how things are going to go. I know that no one ever really dies on SN and you can always come back. I am hoping for it, but not counting on it.
SF : Yes, there were hints before we even left that there were opportunities to come back but you never know how things are going to go. I know that no one ever really dies on SN and you can always come back. I am hoping for it, but not counting on it.
SHA : If Ellen can come back as a ghost, what kind of ghost it should be – a bad one (one looking for revenge, because the Winchesters got her and Jo killed) or a good one (totally understanding and trying to help) ? [LolaJohnston]
Ferris : I don’t think she’d ever come back at those boys with revenge. Ever. She might come back on the wrong side (if Eric Kripke wants to be really twisted) but I don’t see her really turning on them. I would have a very tough time shooting that. I believe they would be true to her character and bring her back as an ally….find a way for her to help them. But that is just me……anything is possible….they like the shock factor on the show…..maybe.
SHA : What can you tell us about the cast ? [Jen]
Ferris : They are wonderful boys. I only met the Castiel character ~ lol his name is misha bb ~ once but Jared, Jensen and Jim are a treat to be around. J and J are good Texas boys who were raised right. They are respectful, kind, professional and very sweet. No diva LA stuff there. Love them to pieces.
SHA : Can you tell us more about the video the crew made for you on “She’s a lady” (Tom Jones) ? [Poucca]
Ferris : It was a montage of all the scenes we did. With a nice script on the screen at the end to the effect of, thanks ladies for all your hardwork on the show. It was very touching.
SHA : What’s next on your agenda ?
Ferris : I am going back to school part time but will continue to act. Just finished shooting a little movie in Victoria called 7 Deadly Sins……and just did an episode of a new show called Hiccups. Unless you are Canadian this won’t make sense, but it’s Brent Butt’s new tv series. He is the guy behind Corner Gas.
Ferris : I am going back to school part time but will continue to act. Just finished shooting a little movie in Victoria called 7 Deadly Sins……and just did an episode of a new show called Hiccups. Unless you are Canadian this won’t make sense, but it’s Brent Butt’s new tv series. He is the guy behind Corner Gas.
She seems like a cool lady :)
Ellen was the one responsible for me balling out in that last episode,
Super and Natural **MissTee