THAT'S WHAT HE SAID! via his twatter.
When you think this dude could not possibly be more awesome,
Supernatural's Misha does it again, using his so-called paramilitary following ~ mishasminions yow! ~ to set out on doing good for the world.
Everyone was shocked by the sudden earthquake that hit Haiti just a few days ago, literally obliviating it. The earthquake was reported to be an estimated magnitude of 7.0 SR. The world quickly took notice and relief efforts from all around the globe have been prepared and delivered to aid the Haitians in this travesty.
Our Overlord soon caught on with this and made an official minion page at UNICEF and encouraged us to donate as much as we could as a part of one of our minion stimulus projects.
Until this moment, mishasminions have currently raised up to more than $10,000! Even with a fundraising goal bigger than the original one set as little as $8 ~ LOL still with the silly thurr ~ that is a very VERY huge achievement.
I am so proud of mishasminions.
And very much proud of Master MishMish.
If you have not had a chance to donate, or want to donate AGAIN to see more minion stimulus love realized,
When you think this dude could not possibly be more awesome,
Supernatural's Misha does it again, using his so-called paramilitary following ~ mishasminions yow! ~ to set out on doing good for the world.
Everyone was shocked by the sudden earthquake that hit Haiti just a few days ago, literally obliviating it. The earthquake was reported to be an estimated magnitude of 7.0 SR. The world quickly took notice and relief efforts from all around the globe have been prepared and delivered to aid the Haitians in this travesty.

Until this moment, mishasminions have currently raised up to more than $10,000! Even with a fundraising goal bigger than the original one set as little as $8 ~ LOL still with the silly thurr ~ that is a very VERY huge achievement.
I am so proud of mishasminions.
And very much proud of Master MishMish.
If you have not had a chance to donate, or want to donate AGAIN to see more minion stimulus love realized,
Unfortunately, for those minions who are only able to donate via PayPal, there is no such option for the time being. But its being worked out with UNICEF at the moment so keep on checking in!
misha fudging collins is fudging amazing,
Super and Natural **MissTee