New interview by The Who's News Blog with our Supernatural creatively deceptive storymaker, Eric Kripke!
He talks about the bros, the angels and demons, the end of the world, and what's to come in a possible season 6 :
Who'sNewsBlog (WNB) : Jared and Jensen have strengthened their friendship on and off screen since the show began. Is that ideal in a season like this, when the bros are in a weird place emotionally and we know a little more about their connection with Lucifer and the angels?
KripKing : We’re really lucky to have the two of them. As actors, they have such a comfort and respect and almost a shorthand with each other at this point, so they can just jump right in and really try some things that are a little edgy or different in terms of conflict and anger. They feel comfortable going to that place because they work together so well, and they know the other person can carry a heavy load ~ in plain english : NO, BECAUSE J AND J ARE AMAZING ;) ~
KripKing : We’re really lucky to have the two of them. As actors, they have such a comfort and respect and almost a shorthand with each other at this point, so they can just jump right in and really try some things that are a little edgy or different in terms of conflict and anger. They feel comfortable going to that place because they work together so well, and they know the other person can carry a heavy load ~ in plain english : NO, BECAUSE J AND J ARE AMAZING ;) ~
WNB : There is a lot of meta humor involved, such as when the Winchesters go to a Supernatural fan convention or the knowing look Sam gives when House of Wax is mentioned. How do you balance that with the serious story at hand, and has it gotten easier over the years?

WNB : Is the fallen angel Anna Milton (Julie McNiven) coming back in the second half of the season?
KripKing : She’s coming back in a way that I think will be pretty surprising to the fans. She’s very different than the angel we met when we last saw her. She’s in an episode in which Sam, Dean, Castiel [Misha Collins] and Anna all travel back in time to interact with John and Mary, Sam and Dean’s parents, when they were young. ~ "Back to the Future" ladidadi daaa ~ We did that once successfully in season four, and we’re going back because there’s more of their story to tell. When they find them this time, they’re newlyweds ~ thats means this pic is bb Dean?? ~ and living in an apartment, and John’s trying to wrestle with keeping his job. It’s just interesting seeing little snapshots of what their family was like before the boys were born.
WNB : What other surprises do fans have in store?
KripKing : We really pride ourselves on still being a series where people can just join the party. There are certainly the mythology episodes, but Sam and Dean go to an insane asylum [in next week’s episode] ~ SAM, INTERRUPTED! ~ , and there’s an episode with some body-switching going on ~ SWAP MEAT EPISODE BBS! ~ in the second episode back. We’re doing a Valentine’s Day episode, and it’s probably the only Valentine’s Day episode of any show this year that begins with two people having sex, who then proceed to eat each other in a very violent and gory way. [Laughs] ~ eew, Kripkee ~ We’re doing zombies ~ DEAD MEN DON'T WEAR PLAID EPI! ~ , and we’re actually sending the boys to heaven, which is a world on our show we’ve never seen before.
WNB : If there’s a sixth season, how do you top the apocalypse?
KripKing : Well, the trick is to not go big but go intimate – at least those are the initial conversations we’ve had [if the show is picked up for a sixth season]. We always set up this five-year storyline, because in my heart of hearts, I just never imagine we’d actually go five years, much less beyond. We are going to climax the storyline and really wrap up the story of Satan and Michael and the apocalypse. The big question is, how do you follow that? We look at this as a unique challenge but also an opportunity to really launch a new storyline next year. We’re almost looking at it as the sequel to a movie. Rather than as a lot of genre shows do as they get on in years, becoming so convoluted and almost collapsing under their own mythology and getting to the point where you just can’t follow any of it anymore, we’re really looking forward to the opportunity of just sweeping it all clean and starting over with something else. We talk about returning to a stripped-down version of the show that’s almost similar to season one, in which the mythology was just as simple as finding their father and finding something that’s really personal and meaningful to Sam and Dean. One of the things that’s hard about the end of the world is sometimes it’s hard to have your characters emotionally connect with it, because it’s so big. But if their emotional storyline for, say, season six is to save a loved one, then that’s something you can really understand and get behind and actually have some really emotional storytelling that takes you through a lot of the scary episodes.
WNB : So you think about what you’ll do in the next season — how about who you’ll do it with? We don’t know yet if Sam and Dean will survive the end of the world. Are they in your plans?
KripKing : Oh, absolutely. The one thing I can say is there's no Supernatural without Sam and Dean. If they’re not driving the bus, then I’m not sure there’s a bus to drive. Maybe they’ll survive this year and maybe they won’t, but we’re at the point where, hilariously, death on our show for our main characters has now basically become an inconvenience. [Laughs] ~ LOL UNDERSTATEMENT ~ Even if they don’t survive, they’ll certainly be back for a season six. I just don’t know how to tell this story without Sam and Dean.
Okay, for people who've gobbled up every single bit of SPN spoilery they could get their hands on ~ like mehh ~ the surprises are no longer surprises, Kripke dear. lol. But I believe the writers still have a couple of tricks up their SPN-washed sleeves.
In my opinion, season 6 is seemingly a done deal by now. Why? Because :
ONE - Although some fans claim they wouldn't be able to handle another season, I think those people are lying. And the majority of SPN freaks say otherwise too.
TWO - The whole cast and crew of Beloved Show obviously are still itching to continue work on this amazing thing they have. Kripke and the gang still have evil plots they want to get out of their brains, and the Js say they're totes game for a 6th.
THREE - 2009 was probably the shiniest year SPN had, public adoration-wise. With all those praise from critics, noms and awards here and there. Would be a total waste to throw away the show when it's getting all this positive attention.
FOUR - Supernatural is in it's 5th year. Ratings are UP, fanbase is BIGGER. In other words, being a TV hit vet Beloved Show still gots its magic. Not fading anytime soon.
FIVE - The LIVING game promises the winner a spot on the show. If that were to happen, it would be likely that the winner would get a spot in the 6th season, not this one.
SIX- Kripke had lunch with the CW headmaster. lol. CW ain't gonna let go of it's golden bb.
yep Deany yous read my mind exacto perfecto
I love that they're doing a 6th<3
And if so, it's nice to hear that they're not gonna be dragging out the whole Apocalypse deal. I would totally tune in to watch Dean and Sammy take on some fresh storyline shiz!
i adore our Beloved Show,
Super and Natural **MissTee