"Just got booked on an episode of Supernatural called '99 Problems'- not a huge part. Will let you know more details as they come in."

That just in from Michael Shanks via his official website, the Stargate series actor better known there as Dr. Daniel Jackson.
Hmm. . . .judging by the episode's casting call, I'm thinking this doctor might be swapping jobs from doctor to becoming our Pastor Gideon!
But he says it's "not a huge part". And isn't the boot-wearing Pastor kind of a huge part? Except if the focus of the storyline is more on his daughter, Abby. .
So, yeah, the speculation continues.
Will be updating when we know exactly what his part will be!
got 99 problems and the hellatus is one of 'em,
Super and Natural **MissTee
UPDATE 24/01 '10 : Shanks is reported to be playing a character named Rob, one of the local militia guys who bears a wife and son but then devotes himself solely to a cause because of a lose. That certain cause is still up in wraps.
Will this Rob guy be helping the bros in their quest, or maybe even otherwise?
Go here for the original piece