The C-Dub, the network home to our Beloved Show, is nominated for SEXIEST NETWORK, while our hunter hunkies and their friends got a nom for HOTTEST CAST ! WOOHOO! :D
GAMES STATUS AS OF THIS MOMENT : CW is in the lead, but our Supernatural is still coming in 2nd to Smallville. I don't have anything against that show and the young!Superman is cute and all, but seriously? On Supernatural the guys are gorgeous, the girls are stunning. . . . .even the guest stars are cute!
Hottest cast must go to Beloved Show!
Seems that this is one of those contests where you can vote repeatedly as many times as you want, so if you're not doing anything particularly productive you can vote again and again for SPN when you get the chance.
There are also other categories, even other sections with similar categories for COMEDY and REALITY genre shows.
why isn't Dean in the MEN WANT TO BE HIM/WOMEN WANT TO BE WITH HIM cat,
Super and Natural **MissTee